International kyudo
Kyudo Equipment Selection Advice Choosing the right KYUDOGI :Kyudo Wear

All size tables showed on our webpages are Japanese sizes. Advice of Kyudo Wear.

The criteria of sleeves length should be right around the elbow;
appropriate length should not be over or under elbow.
Same criterion applied to both man and woman.
※There are Uwagi(tops) made with different materials for all season around or for summer.
However, please note that there is no winter version of long sleeve tops in Kyudo.

It is strongly recommended to use Kakuobi(角帯).
The wear methods for man and woman are slightly different.
For man : the upper end of Obi is right on the bellybutton.
For woman : the below end of Obi is right on the bellybutton.
※The favorable Obi used in Kyudo is called kakuobi 「角帯」
In Budo, Japanese martial art, Obi(Belt) is irrespective of gender.
So there is no woman version of Obi.
※No colors specified for different Kyudo occasions.
Kyudo practitioners can choose favorite color according to your personal preference.

The wear methods should be consistent to the position of Obi.