Kyudo, seen as a form of standing Zen, is a martial art that requests full concentration and exercises
all movements to shoot the mato(target).
And yet, focusing all the attention on hitting the target only could cause practitioner felt lost or confused and result in poor shooting posture.
We are the one who brought us here. It explains well the meaning of spiritual training side of Kyudo.
Unlike those in
other martial arts, practitioners in Kyudo do not have components or competitors.
When practices or test results are not satisfactory, they are of our own making.
Our shot is the reflection of ourselves.
And this is one of the most challenging parts of Kyudo and one of the reasons why it fascinates so many people around the wold.
Kyudo Yumi (bow) construction is elaborate and different from the archery one.
But the arrow force is so strong that it can pierce through a pottery plate.
The secret of strength of Japan’s Yumi is the craft of making it.
The core of Takeyumi is of laminated 5~7 pieces of hardwood and bamboo.
The powerful force of Takeyumi comes from the well-balanced combination of hard, strong core in the middle and soft bamboo layers on two sides.
Japanese Yumi shape looks simple but the construction inside is so
intricate and sophisticated beyond our imagination.
Kyudo practitioners have to train well to master Yumi to have a pleasing and satisfying result.
Made with natural bamboo.
TakeYa was corrected and straightened through heat one by one.
Generally, the unit of Ya set is Hitote (a pair of arrows), 2 pairs and 3 pairs (6 arrows and synthetic shaft mainly) .
Because of the nature of bamboo, the joint, weight and diameter, it is said to collect the same conditions of bamboo Ya is the most difficult process and takes maximum efforts.
In recent years, the mainstream in Kyudo equipment market is duralumin Ya ・ carbon Ya.
Even so, as a splendid work of traditional craftsmanship, TakeYa has
its own irreplaceable attraction.
Yugake is made with deer fawn leather and one piece of fawn leather can only produce one Yugake.
Smoked by burning straw, the fawn leather is more dehydrated and leather quality is upgraded.
And the leather therefore became more sustainable and durable.
There are 3 major product lines in the markets;
ready-made Kake, semi-made Kake, and custom-made Kake.
The latest trend is to choose a fit one from ready-made products.
Kyudo is a martial art in which one competes with oneself.
There is no so-called rival to defeat.
One has to Keep both body and mind calm and composed, and fully focused to achieve the purpose of training.
That is what Kyudo, Japan's martial art, stands for.
All staff in Kyudogu Suizan, suizan miyabi are active Kyudo practitioners with titles and ranks.
Suizan is managed by Kyudoka.
And we are resolute to pass on the traditional wisdom of Kyudo, Kyudo equipment and Kyudo culture to friends around the world.
Kyudo Equipment Selection Advice